Friday, December 28, 2012

Shades of Light: Book One of the Walker Chronicles available for purchase!

Shades of Light: Book One of the Walker Chronicles is now available for purchase. Please click on the following link below for more information. Thanks to everyone for their support!

Monday, December 24, 2012 site updates!

I hope everyone has an enjoyable and controversy-free holiday! Changes to the site are as follows:

1. Update to ongoing free story Flower of Chaos
2. Link to site of author James Eggebeen on the links page
3. Link to site of author Dianne Gardner on the links page
4. Link to site of author Abigail Denver on the links page
5. Link to site with information for author Ralph E. Laitres
6. Update to Riddle and Quote

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Site updates

I've updated the stories section with the next installment of the Flower of Chaos. I've also updated the Shades of Light page with the pics of the Torin, Aisha, Quire and Gaius and added some profile information about each. Lastly, I've updated the riddle and quote. Enjoy!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hey look! I can draw! A little ...

Ron Leary, Jr., my cover artist, has inspired me to dust off the old sketch pad and leads and try some drawing. Below is something I created while at work. So so, but not too bad considering it's been years since I attempted anything.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Support for Ron Leary, Jr.!

Ron Leary, Jr. has entered an art contest at Infected by Art. Please be sure to go over there and vote for his two entries. It's free and gives some love to a really great artist and all around cool dude.

Click HERE to vote!

I've also added a links page to sort out things. If you have a cool link, lemme know!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

New Pics!

Welcome to December and all the joy/laughter/commecialism and whatever else goes with it. I'm nearing the release of my first book and I'm getting pumped! Along those lines, Ron Leary, Jr. has released portraits of characters Quire and Aisha. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Free Story

I've posted the beginning of a free ongoing story to be updated each Friday. It's called Flower of Chaos. Hope you enjoy. You can find it at

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A New Way to Rob the Poor?

Here's an interesting article regarding Simon & Schuster and some concerns regarding their decision to get into the self-publishing business.

A New Way to Rob the Poor?
by Adrew E. Kaufman

Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekly updates for

Ok we're going into the Christmas season now, and I'm hoping December will be moving right along with the book. I'm waiting for my proofer to finish it so I can get it all finalized and ready for people to enjoy.

I've updated the riddle and quote for those of you who follow that weekly trend. The reason I decided to change it to Monday is because it falls at the beginning of the week and all.

Starting on November 30, I'm going to begin writing a story that I'll update every friday in the stories section. My goal is to add 1,000 words per week and it is purely for fun. The adventure will revolve around an assassin named Linnae, aka The Blue Flower. She'll be fighting to escape a recent tragedy and forge a new life for herself, something her former employer has no intention of allowing. Should be fun.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Riddle, Quote, and Mules

Udated the Riddle and Quote. Also, here is an interesting article concerning writing. It's called Ten Common Mistakes A Writer Makes When Crafting A Novel.

 Finally, a blast from the past. When my father was a kid, he worked on a farm with nine brothers and sisters picking cotton. He said they had a pair of mules they used for plowing the fields and the mules were kept i a barn at one end of the field at night. When plowing away from the barn, the mules had to be coaxed and sometimes whipped to make them go. When they turned around to come back and saw the barn in the distance, they picked up the pace. Perceptive critters.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New Character Art - Gaius Blackhollow

Ron Leary, Jr. has produced another portrait. This one is of Gaius Blackhollow, the wizard in Shades of Light Book One of the Walker Chronicles. Coming soon will be Quire the Elf and Aisha.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Latest info and Torin Art!

Man, this year is flying. I've udated the riddle and quote for the week. I've also been working to get ready for the Jan 1, 2013 release date of Shades of Light Book One of the Walker Chronicles. To that end, Ron Leary, Jr. has completed the first of four portaits, which is Torin. The others will be Gaius, Quire and Aisha. See Torin, below.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Writing Article and Halloween Story

Halloween is nearly upon us. I found a cool article posted by someone on the Fantasy Writer's Facebook page concerning the effect that false complements have of a person's writing called "Beware The False Compliments That are Killing Your Writing."


Also, I'm putting a link to an old halloween story I wrote years ago called "Disease." Hope you enjoy.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Good Friday!

I've posted a new Riddle and Quote on my page at

Here is an interesting article from Black Literature Magazine featuring an interview with Author Balogun Ojetade. CLICK HERE

Friday, October 19, 2012

Judge Rules Against Author's Guilde in HathiTrust Lawsuit

Judge Rules Against Authors Guild in HathiTrust Lawsuit
Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware

On the heels of several publishers' secret settlement deal with Google in the long-running Google Books lawsuit, a judge has made a major ruling in another lawsuit over book scanning.

In September 2011, the Authors Guild, two international writers' groups, and several individual authors filed suit against a number of major US universities, challenging their aggregation of scans of in-copyright books into a repository called HathiTrust. The plaintiffs claimed that the scans--obtained from Google as part of the Google Books project--were unauthorized, because permission to scan had not first been sought from copyright holders. The universities argued that such digitization is fair use under US copyright law.

This week, Judge Harold Baer granted HathiTrust's motion for summary judgment, finding that the universities' digitization project was indeed fair use.

The full opinion is here. See also this analysis by law professor James Grimmelmann.

This is a major decision that has direct bearing on the Google Books lawsuit (although the publishers involved in the lawsuit settled, the Authors Guild is proceeding with litigation), since Google has always argued that its scanning is fair use. One major difference between Google and HathiTrust is that Google is a commercial enterprise, which wants to make money from the books it digitizes, and HathiTrust is not. But Grimmelmann, quoted in PW, feels that may not make a difference:

"This is a pretty serious blow to the Authors Guild....The fair use ruling is substantially applicable to Google: yes, Google is commercial, but the transformative use and market harm points stand, and that's enough for a solid fair use victory. This seems like an appropriate time for the Authors Guild to take stock of the litigation, ask what it's accomplished for authors, and consider what the consequences of pressing on would be."

For its part, the Authors Guild disagreed "nearly every aspect of the court's ruling." In a statement to members, it said:

"We're especially disappointed that the court refused to address the universities' "orphan works" program, which defendants have repeatedly promised to revive. A year ago, the University of Michigan and other defendants were poised to release their first wave of copyright-protected, digitized books to hundreds of thousands of students and faculty members in several states. The universities had deemed the authors of these books to be unfindable.

"Within two days of filing our lawsuit last September, Authors Guild members and staff found that the "orphans" included books that were still in print, books by living authors, books whose rights had been left to educational and charitable institutions in the U.S. and abroad, books represented by literary agents, and books by recently deceased authors whose heirs were easily locatable.

"The so-called orphan works program was quickly shown to be a haphazard mess, prompting Michigan to suspend it," said Paul Aiken, the Guild's executive director. "But the temptation to find reasons to release these digitized books clearly remains strong, and the university has consistently pledged to reinstate the orphan works program. The court's decision leaves authors around the world at risk of having their literary works distributed without legal authority or oversight."

The Guild says it is discussing its options, and will soon announce what further steps it intends to take.

Update to Riddle and Quote on

I've updated the riddle and quote on the page. I've also put a description of the origins of halloween there for people to enjoy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Finalized artwork for front cover of new book

Ron Leary, Jr. had finished the artwork for my new book "Shades of Light: Book One of the Walker Chronicles." Check it out! I'll be adding title graphics shortly.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

No comment?

How do you feel about censoring your own opinion on hot button issues as an author because you fear alienating readers? Is silence or wishy-washy the way to go? A author's image is significant. What do you think? Definitely a touchy issue because there are so many people out there who may enjoy an artist's work but will refuse to subscribe to it because of their differing on one subject or another.

Why Writers Disappear

I found a very interesting article called Why Writers Disappear by Kristine Kathryn Rusch that I wanted to share with you.

It's all about networking

Well I'm trying to go from thinking about it to doing it. I've finished a manuscript that I've been working on for some time and am now working on getting it out there for people to enjoy. I'll be posting back here soon and often. My website is complete, which is Let me know what you think.
